Interior designer - reception area

The reception area lobby is the welcome gesture that has become architecture.

Whether it's a hotel lobby or a welcome desk - the entrance is the place where we give people a first impression of our corporate culture, and as we all know, there is no second chance for a first impression.

Showing who you are is best done with authenticity. It makes no sense to stage an image in the lobby whose standard neither the rooms nor the service can meet. Likewise, the missing or loveless design of the entrance encourages negative conclusions to be drawn for the rest of the offer. Because we people - guests, cooperation partners and customers want to understand as quickly as possible who we are dealing with and what awaits us in a hotel. The fact that many things are now pre-sorted online does not change this. After all, the web portal is only an upstream entrée - the reality check is and remains the decision criterion.

Whether service companies,

Producer or craft business, budget or luxury area - there is an adequate and appropriate design for every type of business and category. This applies to all public company premises and especially to the entrance. Because it is the space in which a company can advertise itself directly and quasi free of charge around the clock.

Our work is to find out what your personal interior identity can look like; to show how corporate values such as trust, security, tradition, innovation, openness, vision and internationality can be transformed into the world of objects and materials, and how you can distinguish yourself significantly from the competition not only with your product but also with your appearance.

In addition to the big picture, it is also the details that help to brand a look and give it the distinctiveness that is a prerequisite for its recognition value. It is also the HOW that, along with the WHAT, is responsible for the subtle nuances.

in the interior: a simple table whose primary task is to gather people around it - whether for a conference or for a shared meal - can have the most diverse statements depending on the design, material and finish. There is room for worlds, from the rustic Jogltisch to Egon Eiermann's purism. Granite, sandstone and marble present themselves just as diversely, even if they are basically all just stone.

This wealth of facets is the reason why interior design is still exciting for us even after so many years: because we get to know people and their ideas, their peculiarities and characters. Our approach is quite simple: talk, listen and ask the right questions - we are happy to do this with commitment and experience for your interior project as well!