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destilat Design Studio GmbH
Laimgrubengasse 4/8
A-1060 Vienna
UID: ATU 64692559

Company register number 322588w
Commercial Court Vienna

Engineering offices (consulting engineers) in the field of interior design
Managing Director under trade law: Sophie Pfeffer , MA
Occupation: Interior design

Commercial trade and commercial agent
Managing director under commercial law: Franz Thomas Neuber
Trade: Trade in furniture, office furniture, trade in oriental carpets,
Trade in interior design goods and home textiles


All rights, in particular copyrights and rights of use to all ideas and proposals contained herein, are the exclusive property of destilat Design Studio GmbH. The transfer, presentation to third parties, as well as any publication, reproduction, distribution or other exploitation of the ideas presented is not permitted without the express consent of destilat Design Studio GmbH.

Website: rematic media

© destilat Design Studio GmbH / 2024